Romance and Love in Bumperland consists of eating kick-butt Thai food from our favourite restaurant (so good they don't deliver, we must crawl to them and beg for scraps of manna), chocolates, and flowers for all the lovely ladies (mixed bouquet for Bumper, roses for me... stop laughing... I'm a lady). Cards were exchanged, kisses, and hugs endless and then we got down to business.
Oh get your head out of the bedroom, we watched Lost like normal people and promptly fell asleep. I don't mean to complain BUT OMG WHEN WILL SHE SLEEP PAST FIVE AM?
Sorry to shout, it's just so frustrating. Moving right along because sleep deprivation is so boring. Most of you are saying: "been there, done that" so...
Ever notice how Love and Lost have the same first two letters? Oh my, that's how addled my wee noggin' is... I'm making associations between the essence of what a person wants and a damn good show (I don't care if you don't get the new season, or wish it was going somewhere else - I want my Lost and am very thankful that the strike is over - even if it means less shows).
So on this Friday at the end of the week of romance and completely inspired by this post over at the Apathy Lounge (best name for a blog or what?) where the absolutely sexiness of Desmond is discussed in detail - I pose the question:
If you could hook-up with any Lost character, who would it be?
I'd like to know because I believe that it will tell me a lot about you. Play along in the comments. You can say just the name but if you want to say why - even better. Oh and don't restrict yourself to this list, I couldn't fit everyone one and totally welcome past characters. Which begs the question, are they really gone because OMG what is up with the island?
So to shake off your LostLoveMeters and give me the dets:
Here are some men of Lost: Sayid, Sawyer, Ben, Desmond, Jack, Locke, and Hurley
And the some women of Lost: Kate, Sun, Claire, Rose, Naomi, Juliet, and Rousseau.
Did you need to ask? Of course you did: I'm a Sawyer girl all the way (Jack is sooooooo square). But I'd probably end up with Ben and making googly-eyes at Naomi (this is fantasy world people).
Without hesitation, Juliette.
is this even a question. um. Sawyer. mmmm... Sawyer.
I'm with you and Ali because you're both so cute. I mean Sawyer. Yes, yes.
(whisper) I don't watch Lost.
Apparently I should be. Since I don't know any of the characters I chose Jack because I used to watch him as Charlie on Party of Five and I think you should get to know someone before you hook up with them. ;)
Um, I gotta say, I stopped watching this long ago after I missed a cuople of shows and couldn't figure out where I was anymore, so I have no idea. Is there a Matt lookalike on the island? REally, if one of them is not my type, I might just not be interested.
Top three: (1) Jack, (2) Desmond, (3) Sayid. Mmmmmmm.
I'm so square, that I'd probably end up Jack, but I'm lusting after Sayid. With a little bit of Desmond on the side. Mrow.
Okay. Desmond, because oh my damn God, the accent! Sayid, because oh my damn God, the sexiness! And then if they're busy with some of your previous commenters, I would content myself with Sawyer.
For me, top three I wouldn't kick out of my bed: Sayid, Sawyer then Jack. Although now I'm reconsidering that I may have overlooked something in Desmond.
Heck, I'm pregnant and in my second trimester. Pretty much all the guys are looking okay right now.
Most definitley JACK!
Although, my hx would have me drooling over Sawyer...yeah, the bad boy...
It has to be a toss up between Sayid or Sun.
Hell, I wouldn't kick either of them out of my bed for leaving cookie crumbs in the sheets.
So what does that say about me?
I like the bad boys so I've got to say Sawyer. Rwaar.
My close second would be Sun because, well, Rwaar. Plus I like a guy who doesn't even speak my language.
Last week if you would have asked I would have said Sayid. But this week seeing him all nearly naked and stuff, I don't know. His head looked too big for his body or something.
I've never seen Lost. But I can tell you I wouldn't kick several of those ladies out of my bed. Or that guy on the first row, second from the left.
Sayid. I am obsessed with Sayid.
Though everyone looks so dirty on the show I don't usually think about it. Really that whole scene with Sawyer and Kate makes me gag bc ewwww they were all dirty.
anyhoo. last week with Sayid all clean with that girl. meh. I feel like I've had him now. kwim?
and sleep. oh sleep. Five frickin am?
wtf bumper?
I gotta say Desmond, the accent and all, but Sun's a pretty close second. Frankly, it's a coin toss between the two.
My husband puts in his vote for Kate.
Desmond and Naomi.
It's the accents.
Sorry. That was me above.
I'd hook up with the husky, curly-haired guy.
What? You think I'm kidding?
Okay, you got me. I am.
I really just wanted to comment that kick-ass Thai from a place that doesn't deliver is our special thing, too.
We wait until the kids go to bed and order it and get all giddy when it's time to chow down.
If we were neighbors, we could have a foursome. *winks seductively at MB*
Naomi, eh?
googly eyes?
like the kind in the photo below this post?
because I'm sure she'd googly-eye you right back.
Sun or Kate. That was easy. I haven't watched in two seasons, so I don't know what has happened recently.
Here from Chag's...
I would totally and completely allow Desmond have his way with me. I've written of my love of him a couple of times. He may call me Penny. Or brotha. I don't care what he calls me. Just that he calls me.
De-lurking to say oh my god, Desmond, take me here and now!! Accent + loyalty = a cocktail for sexiness.
And Sayid, but ONLY when he's all unkempt and snapping people's necks with his feet. I was not a fan of last week's tuxedo Sayid.
Um... I have never seen the show, and truhfully, none of those women apeal to me.
The men? No thanks, Gunfighter don't roll like that!
I have put considerable thought into this. 1) Sawyer (by a landslide) 2) Desmond 3) Sayid, except he needs to keep his finger nails VERY short for me.
Jack is nowhere on the list.
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