Sunday, April 11

A Weekend With Dallas

Each time I try something new, I see small improvements in my photog skills. *pats self on back*

Dallas -- the black mink catboy of my menagerie -- has always been impossible to photograph. His silky coat reflected (or is it absorbed?) the light and he just looked like a huge fuzzy ball. Which, yes he is a huge fuzzy ball but in photos he was more huge, more fuzzy, and less ballsy than usual.

But yesterday I whipped out the camera and figured out how to capture his silky look without being a slave to the automatic setting. Here he is in his natural habitat otherwise known as the 'kitchen' waiting to be fed.

Meet Dallas. He likes long walks on the kitchen counter, candle lit bowls of kibble, and endless petting sessions. To leave a message for him press 7486 followed by the pound key.


Jeze said...

Indeed, you should pat yourself on the back. That's a very good shot of quite a handsome fellow. It's a shame that my boy's eyes swell shut in the presence of cats, or I would be in the market for a kitten companion myself.

The more you eschew AUTO and flash, the better your photos will be.

C (Kid Things) said...

Your Dallas looks like my Max. Except my Max wandered off one day and came back with a red collar. Clearly, he didn't appreciate our accommodations and found himself something better.

Mahala said...

Oooo we could fix him up with my black and white, Miss Kittypuss. I hope he doesn't want kids, she's fixed.She's also slightly evil.

Twenty Four At Heart said...

Nice shot. Yes, automatic is evil ... and using flash usually is too. You should join us on Twenty Four At Heart every Friday. I've started Photography Fridays and each week I address basic photography questions people have sent in. So far it seems to be a hit.

Jess said...


Marilyn (A Lot of Loves) said...

Note: We have a black cat named Taber...

My 3 yr-old-son's comment on seeing your post: "Is this cat Taber? No? Let's call this cat Little Baby Cat That's in Two Places"

Good cat shot. My cat pics always have their eyes glowing green.

Amy Urquhart said...

I have never seen Dallas! He looks like my Farley except black. He is just beautiful.