Tuesday, March 30

I'd tell you where I was registered but that seems gauche

According to the gift ideas for a four year anniversary, linen & silk or fruit & flower are more traditional, while modern suggests electrical appliances.

So basically what this vintage photo of the little lady means: where is my motherbumpin' fruit & flowers, linen & silk, or gosh diddly darn new Cuisinart? Of course I kid, you can send your gift later. It's just I couldn't ignore the fact that today is my four year blogoversary.
Four years ago this image was part of my original banner because this is the person who inspired it all. Hard to believe it's been four entire years since winding my way into this virtual coil of I don't know what.

Many friends have been gained, much sanity has been found, and even more so, insanity just oozes from every crevice. Yet despite that last fact, I stay around. Must be because of you. So thank you -- no really, I mean it: thank you.

It's either because of you or maybe all those free drinks I've been promised over the years. Both reasons do seem plausible.


Lady M said...

Happy Four Years! Hope to see you at BlogHer again.

MARY G said...

Best wishes on your anniversary and many, many happy returns.
Virtual tipples on tap!

Patois42 said...

I'll use my toaster in your honor today.

MarĂ­a said...

Wooot! 4 years!

Mayberry said...

Lady, check your mail because I'm sending you a linen-covered blender in a lovely floral pattern. Happy 4th!

for a different kind of girl said...

That picture makes me want to talk like a gangster and say things like "Why I oughta..."

Way to keep kicking ass, lady!

--- said...

Gotta be the free drinks. That's the only reason I do it.

Congrats on 4 years.

I'm sure there's some silk in the mail...

Run ANC said...

Happy Blog-iversary, friend!

OH, and did you mention a free drink?? Cause I'd love one. Kaythanxbye.

Amanda said...

I'll go soil some linens with fruit and forget why.

Stimey said...

Happy 4th!

I just missed my third. I think that's the traditional case for third anniversaries: forgetting. I'm looking forward to my silk gifts next year. Yours is on the way.

IVF Breast Cancer Blog said...

Please read how IVF medications led to my breast cancer and how a breast cancer study using genetic testing to check estrogen metabolism is saving my life. Please share my story with all women who have used or are considering IVF, HRT and anyone with estrogen positive breast cancer.


the mama bird diaries said...

happy anniversary! :)

Nichole said...

Awesome! Happy blogoversary!