Wednesday, September 10


Diary of a Nursery School Newbie
Day One: Friday September 5th, 2008

Why has my momma brought me here? Who are these other kids and why do I have to sit at this table - screw this, I'm taking off.

Sh*t. Why is momma telling me I have to hang with these kids and she gets to sit at the back of the room.

This sucks.

Hey, are those gold fish crackers and watermelon slices for me? Okay, maybe I'll stick around.

Day Two: Monday, September 8th, 2008


Hey, can I play with those doll carriages and ride-on dump trucks - we don't have anything that cool at home. I can play with them?

Okay, maybe I'll stick around.

Wait a second - bagels and cream cheese. What kind of snack is this - did we move to NYC? I want the goldfish crackers again. F**k this sh*t.

Day Three: Tuesday, September 9th, 2008

What the hell? HERE - AGAIN? Look lady - you are no longer my momma - I just demand that you stay.

STAY. By the power of Greyskull woman - I command you to STAY!

Where are you going? Why are you smiling and waving? WTF?

Oh look, they have apples and arrowroot crackers.

OK, I'll stay.


Gigi is doing great at nursery school - her first drop off program. Me? I'm coping.

But I have a confession: I hate the fact that my daughter has fallen in love with her nursery school teacher (young, blonde, not overly perky and lots of fun). I also hate the fact that my daughter is doing stuff all morning long and she won't tell me what. I get the reports from her teacher but I don't get the low down I was expecting from her (eg. who's the nosepicker, who wet their pants/cut the first fart, you know - the gossip). I mean, she is the daughter of a gossip blogger after all.

But you know what... I'm pretty sure I'll get over it mighty fast. Like mighty, mighty fast. I've been for coffee with mom friends twice this week - during daylight hours! - and I could get used to that kind of lifestyle. Hell, I'm writing a blog post right now, while my child is working in a sweatshop or whatever they have her doing over there.

I just never expected liberation to feel so ouchy. And teary.


Mayberry said...

Don't worry. She'll start ratting out the other kids soon and you'll know all about who bit who, who threw a fit at snacktime, and all the other dirt.

SciFi Dad said...

It's all about the snacks and the toys, eh?

I'm glad she's settling into the groove. Now think of how much cleaning and laundry you can get done with all that free time!

Kyla said...

You'll hear the IMPORTANT stuff. Like I know Mrs. G has a Dora doll up too high for KayTar to reach and she REALLY NEEDS IT! And Mrs. G always says, "Maybe we'll play with it another day."

And, well, that's all I really know, but evidently it is important.

Kat said...

When my daughter started preschool I was amazed what I could get done with one child out of the house. I took the time to clean her room and throw away old broken toys and to take the good toys to goodwill.

Sandra said...

I am literally 45 minutes away taking the girl to her first day of nursery school. Sounds like Bumper is going to do just fine.

Heather said...

lol. my friend's daughter just started preschool the other day. when asked what she does there she looks at you all serious and says "sorry, its a secret"

11111111 said...

Aw, in due time you will have the power.

Heather said...

Whenever I asked my kids who they played with at preschool they both would say "I dunno." Or, "What did you do today?" "I forgot." Practice for having a teenager I guess.

Laura said...

Trust me. In a few weeks you will be looking for a boarding school...those mornings at the coffee shop start to go really fast!

flutter said...

can I please pinch that little tush?

Tania said...

I hear you about not being able to get the report. I asked Pumpkin what she did today, and all I found out is that she pushed the boys. On a swing? In anger? I'll never know.

for a different kind of girl said...

I STILL get "I don't know" and "I can't remember" when I ask my boys what they did or who they played with during school. It makes sense, really, because on the days that I'm home when they're gone, I have no clue what it was I've done. I just assume it involves some dancing and basking in the golden silence.

Enjoy the new adventures. When she finally spills them, that is!

María said...

You translate your daughter speaking in obscenities. I love it.

Jess said...

Aw, she looks so happy!

And some days what they say makes NO sense.

For example: Rosey's new friend at school? Is named Dinner Roll. Dinner Roll and I played with the bikes, and then we ate snack and took naps..

We are *awash* in Celtic and ethnic names up here - but this is info I MUST know.

Glad Miss G is settling in.

Anissa Mayhew said...

By the 5th grade you start to get worried because all you get is the gossip and then you're all "shouldn't you be learning something by now? Show me some fractions or conjugation or something!"

Judy Schwartz Haley | CoffeeJitters.Net said...

I'm only 10 weeks pregnant and I'm already dreading sending my little one off to preschool whenever that ends up happening. Gah!

I'm glad she's having fun though, but seriously, you gotta dig the gossip out of here. There have got to be some great stories in there.

mamatulip said...

Wait until she gets to Kindergarten. She won't stop talking about it. TRUST ME.

(And you said 'by the power of Greyskull.' Did you know I used to live on Heman street?)

Ali said...

she's a girl. soon she'll be giving you the play-by-play until you don't really care who picked whose nose.

my daughters don't shut up about what happens in school. my son? "um, i don't remember"

Run ANC said...

OMIGOD, you make me laugh!

It's hard, though, to not know what they did all day and just get secondhand reports. Ah, jealousy. But free time...? Whee!

kittenpie said...

Congratulations, mama! You and Gigi rocked the hard part, and it's all upswing from here. Seriously, daycare is the best thing ever, even if it's just a few mornings a week to give you some headspace.

Janet said...

I was hoping that the freedom factor would help mitigate the teariness. Sadly, I have done nothing but work while E. is at preschool two days a week. I want to have coffee with a friend!

Stimey said...

Yeah, it's weird when suddenly things are going on with your kid that you have no idea about. I remember feeling that same way when my oldest started preschool.

Chris said...

It gets better for you. Quickly.

Glad to hear she adjusted well!

petite gourmand said...

as are too funny.

It drives me crazy when Lulu won't spill the beans about her school.
I guess what happens in nursery school stays in nursery school...
sounds like she is having a blast though, which is the most important thing.

bagels & cream cheese huh?
did you move to bathurst & lawrence?

Anonymous said...

We think it's great your daughter's adjusting so well to pre-school. Hilarious diary entries. It's tougher on us moms, for sure.

And cute, perky teachers are so unfair...

Kat said...

Yeah for you and Gigi! It is a fun/ hard time but they just rock right through it I mean dude - who can pass up fish crackers??

VICTORIA said...

I am almost very nearly there myself. Sept. 29th!!! Count down...