What I like about it:
- backs into a ravine which is sweet - no surprise future construction to block views
- boasts seven-thousand square feet - should be enough for storing my extensive and almost complete beanie baby collection
- has a dramatic foyer just made for me and my over-the-top dramatic entrances - I like to pretend I'm Scarlett O'Hara and do the whole "As God is my witness, as God is my witness they're not going to lick me. I'm going to live through this and when it's all over, I'll never be hungry again. No, nor any of my folk. If I have to lie, steal, cheat or kill. As God is my witness, I'll never be hungry again. " all while waving around a ham sandwich

Someone's office staff really needs to learn to be less reliant on spell check. Like I'm one to talk but hey, I love pointing fingers.
That is maliciously magnificent.
You have to check out http://lovelylisting.blogspot.com/. Jenny (bloggess) twittered it and it's THE FUNNY.
maliciously maintained conjures up images of someone gritting their teeth and cackling evilly while doing handywork... sort of like Mike Holmes when he finds shoddy work under the flooring.
Maybe it means they found out all the colors that you don't like and painted the rooms those colors.
that means they tortured all the roaches before executing them
Is it just me or does it look a little like an office building?
I am peeing in my pants!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God knows, if I had to maintain that mansion, I might be doing it maliciously. I think I will maliciously go and do the laundry now....
people were super pissed off while maintaining it?
Ha! Typos like that make my day. (Hell, they make my week. I don't have a lot going on.)
You are being featured on Five Star Friday:
Maliciously maintained?? HA!
I think that house is too casual for you. Better keep looking.
maliciously clean is what my son does when i send him up to clean his room
(which i now do when he tells me that he's bored)
Now I think I know where my Mom is when she's gone for a few days and I can't reach her. She's over there, cleaning houses, probably muttering crap under her breath about my hair.
(p.s. As a former newspaper editor, I would cut this out, tuck it in my wallet, and save it forever!)
How the hell does someone so stupid make enough money to own a house like that?
Maybe that's where the bodies live - in the Maliciously Maintained Basement?
hmmmm, it does make one wonder what the person had to be malicious about. Maybe a place like that has a way of changing a person....stay away Motherbumper, stay away!!!
That is hilarious. Will you call the agent to ask and then tell us?
Real estate agents need not have a college or university degree. Hell, or even a high school diploma.
maliciously maintained?! haha I love it.
I like to pretend I'm Scarlett O'Hara also, but that's because there are multiple people inside of me trying to get out.
Wow, that came out creepier than I meant. hehe
I love finding typos in ads. Especially ones that mean the exact opposite of what they were trying to convey.
Wow, if it was really bloodied up you could probably get a better deal.
That's rather beautiful in its way. I instantly thought of bacon stuffed in the walls and sabotaged toilets. What's the price on that place? Oh wait, I bet THAT'S the malicious part!
That is maliciously hilarious!
Love it.
That is pretty funny! It would almost make me want to take a tour just to see it!
Maybe it's some kind of modern-art design, expelled physical and mental angst while decorating.
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