Something happened yesterday that if my husband ever had any doubts about Gigi's paternity, all fears would be erased following this incident. BTW if my husband had any doubts about Gigi's paternity, it would be news to me. I'm too lazy to cheat.
Most days I think she's a female version of that guy. [Which of course, adds motherbumper in cya mode, is a wonderful thing.]
Yesterday afternoon Gigi and I were relaxing on the couch. Correction, I was kicking back and she was doing stage dives from the chair behind the couch, over the back, and belly flopping onto a turned over cushion next to me. She will be a pro crowd surfer folks, a pro.
Anyhow, after about a dozen flops she landed next to me, lay still and cut a really loud fart. Then she proceeded to laugh like it was the funniest thing in the world - because it is.
No it really it is, just ask anyone in the under 10 crowd or male and they will confirm this fact.
After laughing for another minute, she rolled over and said "now your turn mommy".
"To do what," I asked "dive over the couch? I can't do that, mommy would get hurt". (Mostly ego-injury related, but that is a detail the child didn't need to know.)
"No," she said laughing "fart".
I laughed and told her that I could not fart on command - only her dad can do that I added in jest.
Then she sat down and farted again with a real sly look on her face.
"Can you fart on command?" I asked, not knowing if she knew what command meant - even though she certainly knew how to do it - so I followed with "Can you make yourself fart?"
She farted again and laughed like a hyena. Then again.
So I called SB at work to tell him about her new super power. Then I blogged about it. Because you see, if I was a bad partner, I would have blogged about it then called my husband. But I'm not. So there.
Hmm... I smell a made-for-tv movie (or at least a skit for SNL): Gigi, The Farting Stage Diver
My husband can burp on command. A fact I didn't find out until after we were married.
Gigi is very talented and hilarious. Very smart of you to wait to blog until after the call.
I knew a guy who could do that...but he had a spastic colon.
You don't have to be 10 or under to appreciate your daughter's awesome powers.
I used to be proud of doing the same thing (I had to to fit in w/ my brother and cousins :D)
I just want to know where you found that sign - I want one for over my bar.
Impressive! We've got a different talent over here. If anyone farts from anywhere in the house, Pumpkin screams out, "Did you poof?" Not so good out in public.
I'm juvenile enough to think that's hilarious too.
I'd hate to get her alone in a room with Dave and Julia.
Farts ARE hilarious, definitely. She's going to be the star of her classroom when she gets to school!
I thought my sons were the sole owners of this secret weapon/superhero power. However, they are now bowing down in awe of Gigi.
Alas, they are also rolling around on the floor now trying to hone their skills ("Now YOU fart!" Eyes and butt cheeks clamped tight...), so I've uncorked a potential problem here!
you must be so proud. for many reasons, like your talented daughter, but mostly for the restrait you showed in calling your husband first. good work.
The BEST part is when she invited you to join the fun!
I can only burp on command.
BTW, LUHVing the full feed.
Today after camp told me that she had a diaper change because she pooped. And she farted it out.
In the same subject, the other day I changed her and she said, "I pooped a WHOLE TOWN!"
We have some classy girls. LOL.
My 3 year old can confirm that farting is indeed the funniest thing ever.
And there's nothing quite like watching your 1 year old follow your 3 year old up the stool and hurl themselves over the back of the couch, giggling wildly, and then racing around to do it again and again and again.
double sigh
Ah, what's with these kids? My daughter's 8 and has been farting for about 3 years on command...her command...and this is usually when I'm leaning over to hug her while tucking her in. gross. accomplished. I wish I could just NOT fart on command. I'm the anti-fart-hero.
Kids are so funny! Something like that will take the angry out of a bad day!
I would have blogged about it, and then called Mr Earth. Does that make me bad? Micheal Jackson kinda Bad??
Waay too funny. What a gift your bumper has! I can't even make farting noises with my under arm!
Please don't let her teach Imelda or BroImelda!
Love the photo
Heh heh. He must be SO proud!
She is going to be very popular with the boys. Just remind her to use her talents for good, not for evil.
Oh do I have the future husband for her!!
Wow. That is a super power. Your husband must be very proud.
That's some girl. You sure her daddy didn't teach her that trick? Kind of like a dad teaches his son to pee or hit a baseball.
i'm still bummed i can't whistle on demand.
she's good that one.
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