Friday, February 1

hang in or is that ten?

One Toddler's Salute to Squiggy is still running until further notice.

Not by popular demand but due to the fact that having a child with "sensitive to all detergents, just like her freakin' mom" skin makes scrubbing her like on of those Exxon Valdez birds - well it makes it kinda hard.

Don't know what I'm talking about? Read about my adventures in grease from yesterday.

Wow - you read that fast.

Looking for more? Well I'm also over at The League of Maternal Justice with my NoMeatPoWeek roundup and post for The Parent Bloggers Network''s Blog Blast "Healthy Living - The Perennial Resolution". Check it out, there are some cool prizes to be won.

Oh and I'm in the laboratory talking all about dr. tea and The Ultimate Tea Diet - no really I am.

All this commuting is making me tired - have you seen the snow outside? Okay so I haven't had to go out into it per say but I have had to look out the window often.

And this whole greasy head toddler thing is kinda getting me down, not to mention it's making my laundry pile grow exponentially.

Well at least if I stick to my resolutions, I'm gonna get healthy and loose the muffin top.

But for now I'm gonna go blog surfing.

Later dudes, have a good weekend.