Friday, April 7

Six Months Old!

Damn... I wish I could think of witty titles but since I am suffering from lack of sleep, I will just stick with the basics. Anyway, as you can gather, Bumper turned six months old today. So far I have done two loads of laundry and told everyone in the laundry room, trudged through the rain to the grocery store and told anyone who looked at my baby that she's reached this milestone, and I'm tempted to answer the phone announcing my progeny's latest "accomplishment". But SB is working from home today and I'm sure his coworkers don't give a rat's ass about her birthday (bastards). Anyhow, Bumper woke up this morning channelling David Beckham and so far today she has smacked me upside the head and given both cats the evil "I want to tug on your tail" look. So the day looks pretty normal. I am a very happy lady.

mamma said knock you out


Chicky Chicky Baby said...

Cute, cute, cute! I have no idea how I got here but I enjoyed your post. Happy 6 months!

Bea said...

Oh, what a cutie!

Hey, how did you get the caption centered on the page like that? Oh, the mysteries of HTML!