Friday, May 7

The Grammar Nazi Came To Visit

The Grammar Nazi would go ballistic in my blog archive. Reading some of my stuff makes my inner Grammar Nazi twitch like a lunatic.

I swear that parenthood stole my ability to successfully proof my words. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.


Melissa said...

I can spot other people's mistakes from a mile away but can only see mine after I hit the "Submit" button. :/

Marilyn (A Lot of Loves) said...

I was reading through my archives last week and determined that I should never read through my archives again. Eek.

ML said...

LOVE the video!! My "style" of blogging (also known as lazy) is to just let the words out however they come, using only a minimum of editing/spellcheck. I give everyone else the benefit of the same latitude (though I have my limits!). Don't ever let grammar hold back thoughtful expression.

Stimey said...

So funny! I'm a little bit of a grammar Nazi myself, but the thing that cracks me up is that my autistic guy has had so much speech therapy and has such a good memory for grammar that he's turned into a little 6-year-old grammar Nazi too. He regularly corrects my 4-year-old.