"This looks like cat food" the little girl announced across the aisle from where Gigi and I sat. "You said it kid" I thought as I pried open the tub of food that came in the box the flight attendant just passed me.
Look, I've never claimed to be cultured yet something made me hold my tongue and not agree with her out loud. Damn this growed-up behaviour sh*t.
Anyhow, the little girl began to cry softly as her mother tried to shush her while looking more than a bit flushed. I'm not sure if it was embarrassment due to her daughter's behaviour or if the bulk-barn pate was causing a reaction, but seriously folks - it did look like fancy feast feline-style pate was on the in-flight menu.
We flew home yesterday and the only way I could convince Gigi to wear a seatbelt for take-off and landing (we had a connection so I had the pleasure of doing it twice) - well the only way I could keep her in her seat without the benefit of duct tape or full body press was with promises of "the box".
Oh yes, the boxed meal - a rare freebie on a Canadian airline. For some reason Gigi finds "the box" magical and I can use it for nefarious tasks - like bribery - my only hand most days.
Hey there, trendy little airline with the cute raccoon mascot - guess what? Pate is not good leverage for the mother of a preschooler. Not that I expect your help but OH MY HOLY HECK, throw me a bone or at least a turkey sandwich.
We are home, we are happy to be home, we miss the grandparents. But I won't bore you with the details AND I won't bore you by telling you about the duck I met that looked like Albert Einstein.

I'm off to find out what the funny smell is down the hall. Oh and say ten Hail Mary's for the sin of blogline dumping I'm about to perform. Did I mention that I'm happy to be home folks? Forgive me for missing any big news but how is a girl supposed to get ahead without drowning in posts? Don't answer that.
Pate'? Seriously? Someone thought that was let alone a good idea, but an acceptable one? If someone tried to feed me pate' and I would claim abuse.
You Canadians really are weird... ;) (said as someone who works for them)
I'd like to know if the duck quacked with a wacky mad scientist accent too.
Welcome home!
Mmmm. Cat food.
Poor kid. This is why I obsessively pack snacks.
And I love that duck. Hope he doesn't end up as pate...
I could barely look at pate, let alone think about eating it. I could, however, look at Alduck Einstein all the time, and I wish you had smuggled him home (he'd have been a most excellent diversion on the plane, I'm sure. So much better than 'the box'!) so I could barter for ownership!
no chance for veggie... pate?
You guys still get meals on planes? We get lame-o snacks. Although, I do prefer the lame-o snacks to pate.
The key to airplane success for KayTar is her carseat and JetBlue, because of the TVs!
Glad to have you back in the province. You missed some awesome thunder storms, and that's about it (I think).
That photo is awesome!
um. ew.
maybe they need to go back to not feeding us on planes...
Pate IS cat food, isn't it? Gag.
Glad you got home safely!
Holy hell! Look at that duck! I bet he makes a tasty pate.
always bring a little bag luch on airplanes....that's what I always say. I would have asked the fligt attendant if she would eat it.
Last flight I was on... a guy broke out a bucket of KFC
Pate? And I thought clotted cream on British Airways was a bit off-putting.
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Rica Villanueva
Wait...did the duck actually introduce himself to you? And did he use the phrase E=MC2?
that top photo makes me smile.
My friend and I tried to pass cat food off as pate at a party once. The gag was to make someone eat it, so we would stand there taking tiny bites to sell it and talking loudly about how good it was. We wound up eating the whole can of cat food by ourselves. We chased it with Schnapps.
Well, now I'm all curious as to the duck!!
I want the duck details. When you get a moment, please.
Yuck! yep don't think the boys would fall for pate either... though I would hate to see what they WOULD do with it!
Oh the duck. That's some funny stuff right there.
It has been suggested to me that whenever booking a flight, I should advise the airline that I only eat Asian-vegetarian. Couldn't hurt...
Glad you're back home. I'm sure Gigi is too!
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