Wednesday, August 22

call the sitter

She got a pair new shoes and I'm blog sitting for Her Bad Mother today. Come on over ya'll.

Damn, these toddler shoes are beginning to add up. It seems like she needs a new pair every month. Her feet have got to stop growing soon... right? Hey... why are you all laughing?


karengreeners said...

funky shoes little lady!

kittenpie said...

Meanwhile, I have an Imelda-worthy set of shoes for the next couple of sizes and she just won't grow her feet for me, dammit! Hopefully they will grow some day and she won't have little tiny doll feet like her grandmother, who looks like she'd tip over in a not-too-stiff wind.

moplans said...

Where'd ya get those shoes mutha b?

Karla Zamora, Digital Analyst said...

I hear you...I feel like I have to buy her a new pair every month. I am not looking forward to having to get her winter boots (sorry for bringing up cold weather)

mamatulip said...

Dude. I am blog sitting for HBM on Friday and? Serious case of writer's block. Am freaking out.

Julie Marsh said...

My fave is when the child requests the shoes, I buy the shoes, and then the child refuses to wear the shoes.

And then I say things like, "I spent $30 on those shoes, so by god you are going to wear them!" To a two year-old.

Kyla said...

Love the shoes! I'll be by HBM's soon.