I can't elaborate because that would require brain power. Oh who am I fooling, I always elaborate.
Regarding the lack of sleep in this household, I blame daylight savings, the heat, teething, immunizations, and Paris Hilton because... well why not? I'm sure she has had some influence on my daughter's misbehaviors.
So instead of a thought-provoking post, I will try to entertain you with a random list from Motherbumper's little black book of bloggy observations that I keep in my purse for emergencies like this.
I really do have a little black book (well two actually) that I keep close at hand to write things down so they might make it into my riveting posts.
Or maybe a post just like this.
So without further ado, a random list of stuff that I've seen in the past few days that made me stop and do some of that thinking thing:
A hawk circling city hall. Sure, I know it was just looking for lunch but it was super cool to watch swoop, circle, and dive. I'd like to think it was looking to peck out the eyes of some local politicians but it was probably just searching for some common everyday rat instead of an elected one.
A very skinny and young couple having sex in the park next to my apartment. At high noon, with an audience of construction workers who sat on the bench a few metres away from the action. I saw this couple earlier in the day when I first headed out with Bumper. In the morning they were curled up together on the park bench under a blanket in a very romantic fashion. At noon time they were full on porn stars on the grass with the same blanket shielding their midsection while bumping uglies. Did I care? No, I'm too tired to care. They aren't my kids.
My daughter pointing to pictures of Jack Bauer and saying "Daddy?" over and over again. Yeah right kid, if only... wait a second, I wouldn't want to be married to Jack Bauer! Don't you know what happens to all the women Jack loves? Who's that knocking at my door? I didn't order any Chinese take-out....
My daughter pointing to a picture on a subway ad of a young man with a spike through his head and saying "Daddy?" over and over again. That's more realistic. She obviously has seen him at work.
So anyone else having these sleep issues? Anyone else have a child who wants Jack Bauer for a dad? Anyone else blaming daylight savings for their lack of sleep? Bueller? Bueller?
In other news, my daughter has successfully infiltrated the Keebler Elf compound and she'd better bring her mom some cookies. I'm hungry kid and I need chocolate.
Now how's this for changing the topic - from elf to self:
Wanna read some NC-17 rated stuff? Go check out the newest (and naughtiest) column at MBT: hot&bothered. It's all about sex baby! Or more specifically, today it's all about sex with yourself. Don't say I didn't warn ya.
That is all. Class dismissed.
The tree play structure is the funnest looking thing. I want one for my Pumpkin!! I just hope that they really are baking cookies in it, hehe.
I'm so sorry about the sleep. That sucks. It's one of my greatest fears.
Was the young couple good looking?
I hope you sleep soon! Life is no good without it. I've been so run down lately, and I can't even pinpoint why. Everyone is sleeping! Okay, KayTar has woken in the night a few times...but Josh has handled it. So to MY knowledge everyone is sleeping. Why am I so tired?
We both need chocolate, I think.
ugh. Last week and the week before we had night wakings, then two nights ago, when our street was decimated in the storm, we took refuge on the in-laws uncomfy pullout, and this morning Pumpkinpie woke up superearly. Gah! What's a sleep deprived mommy to do? I, too, need chocolate, but I keep thinking I should deprive myself of sweeets, too, so I might shed some small portion of the excess poundage. It's just never a good time for deprivation, is it?
this too shall pass... this too shall pass...
(do you believe yet?)
Elf to self? Greatest segue ever!
My toddler always says, "It's Mama!" when she sees a photo of Ryan Gosling (oh, alright, he DOES kind of look like me), so I'm sure Bumper's daddy could think of worse comparisons. Uh...like the guy with the spike through his head.
Apparently I need sleep to (I hope you get yours soon).
I'm still thinking bout the couple on the bench. I never see stuff like that.
That subway ad slays me. Like the dude with a spike through his head wouldn't be welcome at a party. He'd be the STAR.
I think the couple having sex would have made me faint. I know everybody does it, but I don't wanna know nothin' ABOUT it.
Oliver was a horrible sleeper until he was about one. I feel for you, girl.
Chocolate is the ONLY thing that gets me through sleep deprivation. Here's wishing you sweet dreams tonight.
I once saw a couple having sex in a sleeping bag during one of those EdgeFest thingys at Molson Park. After they finished, he pushed her up with his forearms (like doing a push up, on his back), she shimmied into her jeans, then she jumped out of the sleeping bag and took off while he lay there with his arms behind his head listening to the band. I turned to my boyfriend and said, "Never."
you are hilarious. I love that your daughter thinks Jack Bauer's her daddy... he can be MY DADDY if you know what I mean!
Sleep deprivation is high on the goings on list here too. Our 7:30 bedtime has been stretched to 9 or later every night.
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