Sunday, September 10

I probably won't hit publish on this until monday night

And I'm correct about that.

Is it something in the air? I think it smells like lazy. I don't know how to describe it. It's not lack of inspiration for writing posts; I have a half-dozen half-done (or half-baked?) posts in the oven but I'm feeling distracted and lazy. I need a fire under my butt or something along those lines.

Since I got back from out East I have been trying to catch up on my reading and I've let writing posts sit on the wayside. Mostly I've been visiting my favorites (thank goodness for bloglines) and catching up on a few new-to-me blogs, and leaving comments when I get a few minutes to make a coherent statement (and sometimes not so coherent). So as I said, I've been trying to finish a post (or five) but not quite getting to the end of anything publishable.


Actually what I need is organization. I've been flying by the seat of my pants for just over 11 months now and it's just got to stop. PB (PreBumper) I was super organized and was addicted to all things organized related.

My favorite show was Neat, I'd go to IKEA at the drop of a hat* just to check out what was new in the storage department and I used to spend hours organizing my bills, expenses, work stuff, dvd/cd's, books, kitchen cupboards, what ever needed my attention. I think you get the picture.
* okay, I still do that but now I cruise the kiddie department and reminisce in storage.
Now I don't even know what night Neat is on and my papers are in bags with bills crammed in hilly-nilly (yes. I just said hilly-nilly) and I feel a wee bit (translation: A LOT) stressed and disorganized.

Project organization is underway as we type. Motherbumper has some stuff to do and it's going to get done. I've been inspired in so many directions that I don't want to try to cover them here. Stayed tune for plans and progress reports.

First call to order:
HBM has made a wonderful and inspiration request: "write a post about a cause that you are passionate about". That is the kind of fire-under-my-butt kick-in-the-pants that I needed. Hell ya! Stayed tuned for that one coming up next on Motherbumper. You've got to read that post by HBM even if you don't intend to write a response post. It's that kind of post.

So back to me (my blog, my rules): This post request and Project organization will help tackle the stress and kill the disorganization. I need structure people and structure I will build!


Mind you, I'm not that stressed out at present. I have been enjoying Bumper now that she's a full blown almost-toddler and she distracts me all the time. Having the past couple of weeks with Bumper AND Husband has made me feel like I actually had a vacation (I slept in one morning until 10 am folks, 10 AM! And I went to bed early the night before. Hey! Don't hate me because I'm semi well-rested).

I also got to go to a movie with husband. Just the two of us! GAH! And then we went to actual food establishments with table service (a feat never performed by the Amazing Bumper) more than once. And we didn't have to run out of any of the restaurants in a panic, thinking all the patrons and staff hate us because of a Bumper meltdown. Not once! OMG!

So that is what I did on my summer vacation. The End.

Actually, that summer vacation description is not 100% accurate. I also got that cold you might have heard about: killer throat, tired, gastric yuckiness and non-stop stuffed-uppidness*. But I can't even try to explain how wonderful it was to get sick in a place where someone wanted to take care of me AND my baby. I love my parents. So. Freakin'. Much.
* not actual medical terms
Anyway. I didn't intend for this to be "what I did on my summer vacation" kind of post. Or an excuse for my laziness (well maybe it is). I just want to shout out and say something. Anything to get over my lazy-writer's block. I've missed the conversations and I'm jonesing. I'm so glad to be back. Weeeee!



Blog said...

Such a cute pic! ;) I know how you feel about lazy blogging dayz. I definitely have a lot of those days. Once you get writing, though, it all flows out (most of the time)--like your post...this doesn't appear lazy at all! :)

moplans said...

Yay welcome back.
I'm totally jealous of your summer vacation.

I have something like those baggies of bills you describe sitting right here behind me. I was successfully ignoring them until now.

Sandra said...

I hear you on the formerly organized - yesterday I had to go to Toys R Us and then was debating whether I could fit in a stop at Solutions (is that it's name?) - that store with storage ideas. You should see me at the Container Store when I am in NYC! And on the last trip to IKEA, I did get that shoe-storage-hidden-on-the-wall-thingy.


Sandra said...

Welcome back!

I love when you write posts like this. Feels like catch up chatting over coffee.

Gabriella said...

Glad you're back. Must be something in the air cuz I haven't felt like posting much either. Although this post doesn't look lazy to me!!!

Anonymous said...

Whew... I was jonesing for an adorable Bumper pic. So glad that you have returned! I missed ya.

scarbie doll said...

Man -- I hear ya on the organization thing. We are currently in heavy "fix our lives" mode at Casa ScarbieDog. I am psychologically scarred by the plastered up walls and the baseboards that need painting. So I'm cracking the whip. But somedays I just want to give myself a lobotomy for the ultimate in fresh starts.