My secret (audio visual) television and totally uncool sin of years past:
I loved 7th Heaven and watched it every chance I got. Kinda know a lot of the story lines. Their ability to problem solve and forgive each other was refreshingly mind-numbing which I sometimes need.
Care to 'fess up? Come on - purge your tv or musical sins - what's yours? I promise not to make fun or laugh (in your face). It's liberating.
Oh and a shameless but totally non-sinful plug for some ladies that I luuuuuuuuuve over at sk*rt:Tonight is sk*rt blog book smackdown with author Katherine Center - author of "The Bright Side of Disaster. The Reckoning." - who is exposing herself by having a live!, interactive! ,
Check the dets over at the sk*rt blog right here. It's gonna be fuuuuuuuun.
Sorry for abusing the letter "u" - it's too easy.
i watch One Tree Hill.
and i love it.
Loved the Dukes of Hazard. Now that is some quality television...and acting.
Ali & Heather - I suddenly don't feel so alone - thank you. Audio visual sins are sometimes so shame filled but so much fuuuuuuun.
Movie: "She's All That"
I don't even hide it anymore. I have it on my DVR and I won't delete it just in case I need a quick fix.
Whenever the movies Parenthood or Forest Gump are on TV, I have to stop whatever I'm doing and watch them to the very end...even though I own them both on DVD (am idiot). I can't help myself.
When I was younger I wanted to live with the Keatons, I lusted after Alyssa Milano's wardrobe on Who's the Boss and I wanted to go to school with the girls from Facts of Life.
Either that or live in Walnut Grove with Laura and Nellie and Mary and Carrie and Caroline and Charles.
Dawson's Creek is my guilty pleasure. I'd watch that any day, any time.
I am currently watching Family Ties on a daily basis and still maintain it's one of the funniest sitcoms ever.
Oh yeah, Dawson's Creek. I own all the seasons on DVD. And they've been watched multiple times.
The Golden Girls
The Princess Diary movies
The movie Clueless
Motherbumper, 7th Heaven is totally gay. It's no Little House On the Prairie. Or Jerry McGuire. Or Lord of the Dance.
I loved My Two Dads. And I watched both 90210 and Melrose Place for years. Luckily I grew out of that.
I own the complete set of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
PARENTHOOD!! YESS!! The creator of the best line EVERRRR. "You know, Mrs. Buckman, you need a license to buy a dog, to drive a car - hell, you even need a license to catch a fish. But they'll let any butt-reaming asshole be a father." My tv waching guilty pleasure? Little House on the Prairie, and way back when the dinosaurs were around, it was Space 1999. (hanging my head in total shame that I have the whole freaking series on DVD)
The Real World. Like an addict. Like a way too old for the demographic addict. Don't tell anyone.
Loving Parenthood is no cause for shame. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
My sins: Silver Spoons and a monster crush on Ricky Schroder.
I used to go over to a friend's house to watch the "Love Boat". My mother forbade us to watch it (among other shows) at home. What a wild 12 year old I was.
I was also a big fan of Little House on the Prairie (my sisters and I used to act out episodes with our dressup clothes or with our barbies. Watch reruns a short time ago. Talk about Costume Designer Hell!
I loved 7th Heaven. I gave up watching Melrose Place to watch 7thH!
I sorta watched 7th Heaven too. It's weirdly hypnotic, I agree.
Xena the Warrior Princess was/is my guilty pleasure...
Sorry, but I was all over Beverly Hills 90210 like a fat kid on a smartie.
That and the X-files.
Sadly, I currently have no televisions sins to report on. Slim pickin's around here with only two channels.
I'm sorry but there is no shame in loving any of these TV shows or movies. Just like there's no shame in loving Alf.
Seventh Heaven is so bad. I could never look away, even though my chanel nine was fuzzy and sometimes cut out.
you are not alone.
My "brain candy" of choice (and current addiction) is Law & Order - but only SVU and Criminal Intent. Every once in a while, I sneak a sappy movie off Halmark or Oxygen.
I absolutely loved 7th Heaven. I got my husband addicted to it too. I was so sad when it ended, but I didn't really like the add on season they did.
Past sins:
Mary Tyler Moore Show
Cosby Show
Family Ties
Gilligan's Island
Brady Bunch
Current sins:
Jon and Kate plus 8
Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares (UK version)
Iron Chef America
Reality TV - any and all of it. Paradise Hotel - how shameful is that?
Good lawrd - I'm suddenly feeling not alone - at all, in fact a little crowded (I kid).
I used to host 90210 and Degrassi Jr. High nights back in BOTH rounds of University. The Degrassi Movie (where Lucy drives drunk! Joey cheats on Kaitlyn! Hyper active girl gets married to Simon!) - yah, that get together was huge and got totally outta control.
How AV sin-filled is that?
Dude...I watch 7th Heaven every weekday at 11am like clockwork for the first three months of my daughter's life. And this is the most embarrassing part...
I actually looked forward to it
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