Wednesday, January 13

Wordless(er) Wednesday: Hello Barbie, Let's Go Party Edition

Meet the newest members of our family. I'm not a Barbie fan per se, but they are imagination sparkers so I tolerate their existence. Reluctantly. I'd rather see them hacked into jewellery but that's just me.

It's all about ponies, princesses, and a Ken-esque dolls around here. She christened her Ken doll 'Jacob'. Strange thing is I almost bought her an Edward doll but his sparkle creeped me out so, Backstreet Ken it was! Why she named him Jacob is beyond me because I'm more of a Team Embry lady anyway.

Anyhow, I'm totally convinced they all drink too much because almost every party seems to end like this so.

I'm pretty sure they are a bad influence of some kind.

But trying to take them away results in reactions like this.

So tolerate their presence is what I do.


Barbie is in da' house. Whimper.


for a different kind of girl said...

The fact that Barbie and Ken are still dressed at the end of said party makes me question just how great a party it was.

Of course, and somewhat sadly, most of my Barbie parties resulted in nudity on their part. Additionally, they flew nude on the Barbie jet and the Barbie Beach Bus was clothing optional, as well. No wonder the Donnie and Marie dolls never RSVP'd to the endless string of invites Barbie sent them.

Kyla said...

She's so cute when she's giving the evil eye! LOL.

Melissa said...

I got the Edward barbie for Christmas (I didn't ask for it I swear!) and he is super creepy. I don't go goo goo for Pattinson but that doll is in no way a representation of him or anything I would think of as Edward.
Unless, of course, we focus on Edward in the "I sneak in your house when you sleep and want to kill you" sort of way.

Heather said...

She's got a great stink-eye developed.

mamatulip said...

Yikes, that glare...she kind of looks like she's going to start chanting REDRUM, REDRUUUUUUM!

Tracey said...


Ali said...

Embry, eh?

Anonymous said...

She is laying down the law! You were lucky to escape that interaction alive!

And I agree - at least Barbie and Ken are still dressed and in relatively decent poses...unlike BOREDmommy's Ben 10 activities... ;)

Anonymous said...

HA HA HA!! I love it. She's adorable even when she's mad.

Playing with Barbies is awesome. I loved mine.

I can't decide on Team Edward/Team Jacob, but I love Emmett :D yum yum.
Edward in my head is much better than Rob Pattinson.

Ernesta said...

I dislike the whole barbie image and was intent on not having my daugther have any -- but for some reason every relative and friend thinks they are best gift ever, hence a house full of barbies. Oh well!

adhocmom said...

Barbie et all ALWAYS end up wasted and naked. It was often under such circumstances that my barbies ended up with unfortunate haircuts and magic marker tattoos.

Val said...

I credit nearly all of my creativity and humor to the naked Barbie parties my sister and I used to narrate.

Unknown said...

My 4yo was willing to play with the Ken prince doll, but still hasn't taken the Ken groom doll that I gifted her on Christmas out of the box. Apparently she's all about girl power and is convinced her Bride Barbie (her favorite) has no use for the groom doll.

Heather said...

well at least they still have their clothes on-when you start finding half dressed barbies after a party then you need to worry.